Why does God bless some people with more than others? How come some people never have any crisis in their lives? When is all of this suffering going to end? Haven’t I been through enough? I used to speak aloud those questions all the time.
My favorites used to be:
“God, enough already okay? I can’t take much more of this! Please enough!” Followed by, “Why are you doing this to me God?”
Then I stopped questioning because I started listening. When I slowed down to listen I heard the answers. When I stopped focusing just on me and my problems, I was able to find hope all around me.
What is she talking about you might ask? No, I am not a religious fanatic, and that may be okay for some people. I do not hear voices or see visions. I just have surrendered and said, “Enough. I can’t do this by myself anymore. I need you God. I will do anything. Please help me.”
I let it go. I gave all my power over to God because I can’t fix this. I can’t cure it and I can’t control it.
The affluent are blessed with more, but does that make them content and happy? Who am I to think that their lives have more blessings that mine? Now I can wake up each day feeling like the wealthiest person on earth because of all the blessings in my life. I just wasn’t aware of them before.
Everyone has crisis in their lives not just me and my crisis is not the worse or the biggest. I just thought that way because I was carrying it all on my own shoulders and never asked for help.
Suffering is all over and felt by everyone in different measures. We are human. We are not invincible. Although, now I realize that when I was doing all that “suffering”, I don’t recall being hooked up to life support or unable to eat without a feeding tube. I was not lying in any hospital bed with no hair going through chemo treatments. Opening up my heart to those around me allowed me to feel the pain far greater than I could ever imagine and upon doing so, I am now able to put others before me when I pray.
Enough. Yes, I had enough of the old me. The old me that refused to do anything different; a woman that was not willing to change.
Then I Let go Let God. Took things One day at a time. Took a new approach to life by Taking baby steps each day. Decided to stop making things so complicated and instead changed to Keeping it simple. Turning my will over to God each day. I accepted that there are things I just cannot change, and found the Courage to change the things I can and to pray for the wisdom to know the difference.
Today I am grateful because I feel just as blessed each day no matter if miracles are pouring down all around me or when the darkest days and nights hover over me casting shadows of nothing more than gloom. Gratitude for having another day and not wasting it on anything negative.
Life is a beautiful gift and I want to live it every day!
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